The online store takes care of User rights. The user cannot waive the rights granted to him by the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and the Civil Code. Provisions of contracts that conflict with the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights are considered invalid and in such a case the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and the Civil Code apply. The purpose of these Rules is not to limit or prevent the use of the rights of Users established by mandatory legal norms, therefore possible doubts must be interpreted in favor of the User. In case of possible and unforeseen inconsistency of the provisions of these Rules with legal acts, the provisions of legal acts take precedence and the Seller applies them. 




  • The online store at belongs to the company UAB Ardoga, whose registered office is Sandraugos st. 38, LT-52100, Kaunas, Republic of Lithuania tel. no. (+370) 67706911 (calls are charged according to the rates set by the relevant operator), e-mail
  • When using the Online Store, the Client's end device and IT system must comply with the Technical
  • These Rules are intended for Clients who are Consumers and Clients who are not Consumers who use the Online Store, Electronic Services or enter into Sales Agreements (except for Clause XII of the Rules, which is intended only for Clients who are not Consumers).
  • The Customer's consent to the applicable provisions of the Rules is voluntary, but necessary to create an Account and/or to submit the Customer's Order or to reserve Products.
  • The information provided on the website of the online store or, when the Orders are placed remotely, by means of remote communication, an electronic message confirming the content of the intended Sales Agreement specified in Clause III, Part 6, Subparagraph a of the Rules, are considered the Seller's information to the Customer about the possibility of concluding a contract, and not an offer under of the Civil Code
  • Capitalized terms used in the Rules shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
  • PROMOTIONS – special sales or service provision conditions are regulated according to the rules of the Online Store, applicable to a special offer of the Seller valid for a specific period, which the Customer can take advantage of under the conditions specified on the Website, such as a discount on the price or delivery costs.
  • CIVIL CODE – civil code of the Republic of Lithuania
  • WORKING DAY - one day from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays
  • ELECTRONIC SERVICE - services provided to the Customer in the Seller's online store in accordance with the requirements of applicable legal acts and in accordance with the Service Provision Agreement. When services are provided by entities cooperating with the Seller, the relevant provisions on the use of these services are provided for in the rules of service provision of those entities.
  • ONLINE STORE - A platform for the provision of services offered by the Seller managed by the Seller, consisting of a group of interrelated websites and search engines (search algorithms), available at or using the Mobile App, where the Customer can place Orders or make a reservation for Products.
  • KAB – UAB Ardoga administration, understood and treated as the Seller's Customer Service Office (both physical and virtual) of the online store, which provides the Customers with information about the online store's activities, including the Products, the Store, the Rules and current Promotions, the Online Stores on weekdays during the working hours specified in the contact section of the store's website and by the telephones and e-mails specified therein. at the email address, sending messages to the user, as well as by direct chat on the Internet, in the contact section of the Online Store website and using the contact form, provided in the Contact section of the Online Store website. Telephone conversations with the Customer Service Office are charged according to the standard rates set by the relevant operator.
  • PRICE – the total amount of consideration (including taxes) specified in euros or another currency, paid to the Seller for the transfer of ownership of the Product to the Customer in accordance with the Sales Agreement. Delivery costs are not included in the price, unless it is provided in the conditions of the Promotion applicable to the Online Store
  • CLIENT – 1) a natural person or a person acting through an authorized person; 2) legal entity; or 3) an organizational unit that does not have the status of a legal person, which is legal according to the law and In the event that the Customer is a natural person with limited capacity, he/she undertakes to obtain the valid consent of his/her able representative to enter into the Service Provision Agreement / Sales Agreement and, at the request of the Seller , to provide such consent, as the Sales Agreements usually concluded in the Online Store are designed to meet small daily consumption needs.
  • CART - a service provided to every Customer who uses the Online Store, which allows him/her to place an Order for one or more Products, reserve a Product, enter discount codes, which, after applying, reduce the Price according to the rules stipulated in individual contracts/rules, see the Prices of individual Products and the total price of all Products (including delivery costs) and see the expected delivery date of the Products. When creating the Shopping Cart, the Customer submits offers to conclude a Sales Agreement, i.e. The Customer may conclude more than one Sales Agreement by submitting one Order.
  • MOBILE APP – Seller's software (mobile app) designed to be installed on the Customer's mobile device and enabling him to use the Online Store without using a web browser.
  • NEWSLETTER - an electronic service that allows all customers using it to automatically periodically receive information from the Seller about the Products, the Online Store, including news and special offers by e-mail provided by the Customer. e-mail address or telephone number, with the express consent of the Client. The conditions for sending the newsletter are specified in separate rules that are published on the website of the Online Store.
  • SELLER – company UAB ARDOGA, code 304536678, Sandraugos 38, Kaunas, Republic of Lithuania.
  • SALES AGREEMENT - in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code, the Sales Agreement concluded by the Customer and the Seller remotely using communication means, according to which the Seller sells the Product to the Customer for a set Price, plus applicable additional fees, including delivery costs, the conditions of which are defined by these Rules. The sales contract specifies the Product, its main features, Price, delivery price and other important conditions. A separate Sales Agreement is concluded for each Product. The Seller may conclude a Sales Agreement with a Customer who is not a User, as well as by concluding an agreement without following the procedure set forth in these Rules, upon the request of any of the parties to the Sales Agreement, by confirming this with an electronic message. This is not considered to be the conclusion of a Sales Agreement or an obligation to make a reservation for the Products.
  • STORE - Seller's physical or online store. Orders can be placed or Product reservations can be made in the Stores specified in the list.
  • ACCOUNT – an electronic service, a resource complex in the Seller's ICT system, marked with the Customer's individual login name and Password, which allows the Customer to use additional functions/services. The Customer logs into the Account using his Login Name and Password. The customer logs into his Account after registering in the Online Store. The account allows you to collect and save the Customer's addresses to which the Products are sent, to see the status of the Order, Orders and Product reservations and the history of any other services provided by the Seller.
  • PRODUCT – a movable item sold in the Online Store, which is the subject of the Sales Agreement concluded by the Customer and the Seller, for which the Seller is paid the Price, or Product Reservations. All Products offered in the Online Store are brand new.
  • LOGIN NAME – the Customer's email address, which he provided to the Store when creating an Account.
  • PRODUCT RESERVATION – a service provided by the Seller to the Customers, which enables the reservation of the selected Products in order to see them or otherwise evaluate them in the Store or the Company's office, and, possibly, to purchase them. Product reservation is not considered a Sales Agreement or an obligation to conclude a Sales Agreement, or a sale agreement or an obligation to conclude a reserved Product in the Store. The Product reservation is valid (i.e. the Product is ready for collection at the Store) from the moment the Seller confirms that the Product has been delivered to the Store until the end of the Store's working hours on the next business day.
  • PASSWORD – a sequence of characters (letters and numbers) set by the Customer when creating the Account, necessary for authorization when connecting to the Account. When registering the Account, the Customer must enter the password twice in order to set and correct them. The Customer must keep the Password confidential (do not disclose it to third parties). The Seller gives the Customer the opportunity to change the Password many times.
  • RULES/SERVICE PROVISION AGREEMENT – a document that establishes the terms and conditions for concluding Sales Agreements and the Rules for the provision and use of the Seller's services offered to Customers in the Store, including Product reservation services, define the rights and obligations of the Customer and the Seller. In these Rules, the provision of services electronically is regulated by the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania.
  • TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS - the minimum technical requirements necessary to maintain a connection with the ICT system used by the Seller, as well as to conclude a Service Provision or Sales Agreement, are: (1) a stationary computer, laptop or other multimedia device with Internet access; (2) email mail access; (3) Internet browser: Mozilla Firefox - version 0 and higher or Internet Explorer - version 10.0 and higher, Opera - version 12.0 and higher, Google Chrome - version 23.0 and higher, Safari - version 5.0 and higher; (4) recommended minimum screen resolution: 1024x768; (5) the ability to enable cookies or Javascript in your web browser; when concluding the Sales Agreement by telephone: (6) telephone; when using the Mobile App: (7) Mobile device operating system: Android version 5.0 or higher, or iOS version 11.4 or higher; (8) mobile device with integrated camera and GPS navigation. In order to conclude a Sales Agreement, the Customer must have a valid/working e-mail address. e-mail address, and in certain cases - a keyboard and other text input device that allows you to fill out electronic forms correctly.
  • CONTENT – textual, graphic or multimedia elements (such as information about the Products, photos of the Products, visual material for the presentation of the Products, descriptions, comments), including works as defined in the Copyright and Related Rights Act, as well as images of natural persons that The Online Store is distributed by the relevant Seller, Seller's partners, Customers or other person using the Online Store.
  • ORDER - a statement of the Customer's will, directly expressing his will to conclude a Sales Agreement remotely, using remote communication tools, defining the Product that the Customer intends to purchase and providing the Customer's data, necessary for the conclusion of a possible Sales Agreement, and the order of each Product will be considered an independent offer of the Customer for the Sales Agreement compile (technical support). A single order number can be assigned and all bids will be executed in parallel. The confirmation of the Order sent by the Seller is considered the moment of conclusion of the Sales Agreement.
  • USER - a natural person who enters into a legal transaction with the Seller that is not directly related to his economic or professional activities.
  • CONSUMER RIGHTS LAW, LAW - the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights of the Republic of Lithuania and amendments, appendices and explanatory notes to this law.




  • Electronic services provided free of charge by the Seller to Customers in the online store are:
  • Account;
  • the ability for Customers to place Orders, make Product reservations and conclude Sales Agreements, in compliance with the conditions set forth in these Rules;
  • Presentation of advertising content that meets customer needs;
  • the possibility for Customers to use the Basket services;
  • the possibility to view the Content placed in the Store;
  • Newsletter;
  • For customers who have created an Account, the Seller additionally and free of charge provides the following services in the Online Store:
  • Maintaining the Customer's browsing session after he logs in to the Account (using a browser or Mobile App);
  • Storing and displaying Customer Orders and Product reservation history in the Account.
  • The customer can use the Account after completing the following steps:
  • after completing the registration form and agreeing to the provisions of these Rules,
  • after clicking the "Register" box.
  • The Service Agreement is concluded after the Customer receives confirmation of the conclusion of the Service Agreement, which the Seller sends to the Customer's e-mail address. to the email address specified by the Customer during registration. The account is provided for free and for an unlimited period of time. The Customer has the right to remove the Account at any time and without specifying a reason, by sending a request to the Seller by e-mail. by mail at or in writing at Sandraugos st. 38, Kaunas, Republic of Lithuania. It is not necessary to create an Account in order to place an Order in the Online Store or to reserve a Product in the Online Store.
  • The shopping cart starts to be used from the moment the Customer places the first Product in the Shopping Cart.
  • The shopping cart is provided free of charge and is designed for one purchase. It is closed after submitting an Order or making a Product reservation or when the Customer does not voluntarily complete the Order or Product. However, the Cart remembers information about the Products selected by the Customer and after the end of the browsing session, including after logging out, but not longer than 7 days, but the Cart does not reserve the Products selected by the Customer and submitting When ordering or reserving the Product later, they may not be available to the Customer. Customers who log in via a browser to their Account's Cart information are synchronized with the Account they signed in to (and vice versa).
  • The customer must:
  • submit only correct, relevant and all required Customer data in the Order or registration forms submitted when creating an Account;
  • immediately update the data, including personal data, provided to the Seller when concluding the Service Provision or Sales Agreement, especially those that are necessary for the proper execution of these agreements; The Customer has the opportunity to change the data specified during the creation of the Account at any time, using the options provided in the Account;
  • use the services and functions offered by the Seller without disturbing the activities of the Seller, the Online Store or the Mobile App;
  • use the services and functions offered by the Seller in compliance with the requirements of applicable legal acts, provisions of the Rules, as well as established customs and social norms;
  • use the services and functions offered by the Seller without causing inconvenience to other Customers or the Seller;
  • pay the full Price on time and pay other costs agreed between the Customer and the Seller;
  • collect the delivered Products on time, when the payment method was selected at the time of collection, as well as in the case of reserving the Products;
  • not to provide or otherwise transmit Store Content that is prohibited to provide and transmit according to law, especially Content that violates the copyright or personal rights of third parties;
  • do not take the following actions: do not distribute or publish unsolicited commercial information in the Online Store and do not use any Content that violates the provisions of the law in the Online Store Prohibition on publishing illegal content); perform IT actions or other actions aimed at misappropriating information not intended for the Customer, including data of other Customers or affecting the Store or the operating principles or technical aspects of the Mobile App, and interfere with the execution of payments; not to modify the Content provided by the Seller in an unauthorized manner, especially the Prices or Product descriptions provided in the Store.
  • download the Mobile App only from legitimate sources.
  • Complaints related to the provision of Electronic Services or the Mobile Application can be submitted, for example:
  • in writing to the address Sandraugos st. 38, Kaunas, Republic of Lithuania;
  • electronically by e-mail by mail
  • It is recommended that when submitting a Complaint, the Client should specify: (1) information and circumstances related to the subject of the Complaint - the nature and date of the violations; (2) Customer's requirements and (3) contact details of the person submitting the complaint, which will facilitate and speed up the processing of the Complaint for the Seller. The requirements specified in the previous sentence, regardless of the proposed description of the Complaints, are of an advisory nature and do not affect the consideration of the submitted Complaints.
  • The seller must submit an answer to the complaint immediately, no later than within 30 days from the submission of the complaint, in accordance with the provisions of the Law and the Civil Code, except when legal acts or separate rules establish other deadlines.
  • The Seller provides the Customer with the opportunity to download the Mobile App to the Customer's mobile device free of charge from the following mobile app online stores:
  • Apple App Store - intended for owners of iOS devices;
  • Google Play – for Android device owners.
  • Using Mobile Apps downloaded from sources other than those specified in point 11 may be risky and harmful to the Customer's mobile device, and may endanger the security of data stored on that device.
  • In order to use the Mobile App, the Customer must:
  • familiarize yourself with the provisions of these Rules and information about the Mobile App, which can be downloaded from the stores specified in clause 11, and
  • download the Mobile App from the stores specified in point 11 of this section, and
  • install the Mobile App on your mobile device following the instructions provided by the stores referred to in point 11.
  • The mobile app connects to the online store
  • Using the Mobile App provided by the Electronic Service Provider facilitates the Customer's use of the Online Store, including familiarization, first of all, with the Content, Products and Prices.
  • The Mobile App uses technology that stores and accesses Customer IDs. This data allows the Mobile App to function offline and preserves offline Customer preferences (this includes access to the mobile device's memory). The Mobile App stores the current Customer ID until the Customer logs in to the Mobile App, launches another country's Online Store website instead of the Mobile App, or removes the Mobile App from their mobile device.
  • In order for the Customer to be able to use the functionalities provided by the Mobile App, as stated in the provision of Clause II, Part 1, Subsection l, the Customer's express consent is necessary, allowing the use of some functions on the Customer's mobile device, the Customer's voluntary consent to receive "push" notifications, or information about their wishes to the Seller
  • The Customer may withdraw the consents referred to in Section 17 at any time or remove the Mobile App from their device using their mobile device settings.




  • The main features of the services, including the subject of service provision and the method of contacting the Customer, are presented on the page of each Product.
  • The seller provides the opportunity to place Product Orders in the following ways:
  • On the website of the online store;
  • when contacting KAB:
  • by phone;
  • by mail;
  • using chat software (eg chat) on the website of the online store.
  • In the course of developing the services provided, the Seller may offer other methods of submitting Orders by means of remote communication, in accordance with these Rules
  • The Sales Agreement between the Customer and the Seller is concluded after the Seller confirms the receipt of the Order.
  • The Seller gives the Customer the opportunity to place an Order through the Online Store in the following way:
  • The Customer places the selected Product(s) in the Shopping Cart in the Online Store, then proceeds to the Order Form;
  • The Customer who has created an account confirms the validity of the data necessary for the conclusion and execution of the Sales Agreement in the Order form. The User who does not have an account must fill out the Order form separately: specify his/her data necessary for the conclusion and execution of the Sales Agreement. In any case, if outdated or incorrect Customer data is provided, the Agreement may not be concluded. In the order form, the Customer must provide the following data: name and surname, address (street, house/apartment number, postal code, city, state), postal address, contact telephone number and data related to the Sales Agreement: Product(s), Product Quantity(s), if applicable, type, color and size, Place and method of delivery of the Product(s), payment method. If the Client is not a User, it is necessary to specify the company name and the tax payer code;
  • The customer chooses one of the delivery methods offered by the Seller;
  • The Customer chooses the method of payment of the Price and other costs of execution of the Sales Agreement specified in the Order Form;
  • The Customer submits an Order to the Seller using the function of the Online Store intended for this purpose (the "confirm and pay order" button). In the event that the Customer has not created an Account and has not previously given his consent to the Rules, he must express his consent;
  • The Customer submits an Order using the function of the Online Store intended for this purpose (the button "confirm and pay for the order");
  • Before pressing the "confirm and pay for the order" button, the Customer placing the order can manually correct the data specified in the "Cart" box - add or remove a certain product/
  • In the event that the Sales Agreement is concluded using other means of remote communication, including by telephone
  • The Seller sends an electronic message to the Customer confirming the content of the proposed Sales Agreement;
  • By e-mail, the Customer sends the Order confirmation to the Seller at the same e-mail address from which he received the confirmation specified in point 6 a;
  • if the Customer does not have an Account and has not previously expressed consent to the Rules, it is necessary for him to agree to the Rules.
  • In all other cases, except for those specified in point 6, when the Sales Agreement is concluded using other means of remote communication, including the telephone, the following points are applied accordingly at the initiative of the User, taking into account the circumstances and the means of communication used.
  • The Seller, in response to the received Order, immediately sends an automatically generated electronic message to the email address specified by the Customer, confirming the receipt of the Order and the start of its processing.
  • After confirmation of the Order, the Seller immediately sends the e-mail specified by the Customer. email address with:
  • confirmation that one or more of the Customer's offers submitted at the time of the Order have been accepted and a Sales Agreement has been concluded (acceptance of the Order for the Products specified in the notification); or
  • information about the impossibility of accepting all the Client's proposals submitted in the Order Year due to non-payment reasons; or due to non-receipt of the shipment.
  • The sales contract is considered concluded from the moment of confirmation of the Order(s), i.e. i.e. when the Customer has received the notification referred to in point a of paragraph 9. The Seller sends the Customer confirmation of the terms of the Sales Agreement to the e-mail address specified by the Customer.
  • If it is not possible to accept all or some of the offers submitted during the Order, KAB contacts the Customer in order to:
  • inform the Customer about the impossibility of accepting all or some of the offers presented in the Order in order to conclude the Sales Agreement; or
  • confirm to the Customer about the possibility of executing a part of the Order, for which he agrees to enter into a Sales Agreement. In this case, the Customer can cancel the entire Order (all offers), which does not violate his right to withdraw from the contract. The cancellation of the Customer's Order relieves the Seller from his obligation. Upon cancellation of the Order, the relevant provisions of the Law and the Civil Code are applied.
  • In the absence of an opportunity to accept the offer(s) submitted at the time of the Order, the Sales Agreement for the Products specified in KAB is not concluded, and the Seller must immediately, but not later than within 90 (ninety) days, return to the Customer the amounts paid by him, in respect of which A sales contract was not concluded. Accordingly, Clause VIII, Part 6 of the Rules shall apply
  • Regardless of this, the Seller can inform the Customer about the status of the Order, primarily by sending a message to the Customer's e-mail address, sending an SMS or contacting him by phone.
  • The Seller aims to ensure the availability of the Products and the execution of the Sales Agreement. In cases where the Sales Agreement cannot be fulfilled and in other cases provided for by law, the provisions of the Civil Code and provisions of other valid legal acts are applied, to the extent that such legal acts are in accordance with the rules provided for in them
  • The total value of the Order consists of the Price, delivery costs and other possible costs of additional services chosen by the Customer. The Seller can set a minimum Order value that is subject to free delivery of the Products. The Customer is informed about the total Price, including taxes for the ordered Product, as well as delivery costs (transportation, delivery, postal services) and other costs, and when the amount of these payments cannot be determined - about the obligation to pay them at the time of placing the Order or when the Customer declares the will to enter into a Sales Agreement.
  • Promotions carried out in the online store are not aggregated, unless otherwise stipulated in the Promotion conditions.
  • In the case of a product reservation, the provisions of this clause shall apply accordingly, subject to the following provisions.
  • Product reservation service allows Customers to reserve the Product in the selected Store. In order to make a Product reservation, the Customer places the selected Product in the Cart and proceeds to filling out the order form.
  • The list of stores where reserved Products can be picked up is displayed every time the Customer selects the delivery method to pick up the Product in the store in the order form specially designed for Product reservation.
  • The possibility to reserve the Product depends on the region/address specified by the Customer in the order form.
  • The Seller allows Customers to make a Product reservation also using the technical infrastructure of the Online Store located in the Store. In this case, the Customer cannot create or connect to the Account and must fill out a separate form, providing the necessary data for the Product reservation and, above all, indicating the phone number and, optionally, the postal address.




  • The Seller allows the Customer to choose various payment methods, taking into account the provisions of Clause 5 of Chapter XI.
  • The payment methods available at the relevant time are listed in the "Payment Methods" link on the Online Store website and the selection of available payment methods for a specific Product may depend on the delivery method chosen by the Customer.
  • Products can be collected upon arrival at the Store, especially when the Product has been completed
  • Payments are made electronically and by payment card at the Customer's choice through authorized service providers.
  • If the Client chooses to pay in advance by transfer, electronically or by credit card and does not make the payment, KAB may contact the Client, including by e-mail. by mail, and remind him about the payment. If the Customer does not make the payment within 3 days of submitting the Order and within an additional 2-day payment period after the reminder, the Customer's order will not be accepted. As long as the Customer has not received notification of the order submission, he can cancel the Order without any consequences by contacting the Seller's KAB, he can cancel the Order within the specified period, and this does not affect his/her right to cancel
  • If the Customer chooses payment in cash upon delivery of the package or payment in cash upon arrival to pick up the Order, he must pay for the Product in cash when picking up the package. Refusal to accept the Product, despite the extension of the collection period, is the basis for terminating the Sales Agreement. The Customer can also cancel the Order within the specified period without any consequences, and this does not affect his/her right of withdrawal 




  • The product can be delivered to the territory of the Republic of Lithuania and to selected countries, specified in the "Delivery fee" section of the website of the online store.
  • Delivery of the product to the Customer is paid for, unless otherwise stipulated in the Sales Agreement. The methods and price of the delivery of the product to the Customer are specified in the "Delivery fee" section of the Online Store website, and are also displayed after the Customer expresses his will to enter into a Sales Agreement.
  • Available delivery methods may depend on the payment method chosen by the Customer.
  • The total term for receiving the Product (delivery term) consists of the time during which the Seller prepares the Order for shipment and the time during which the carrier delivers the Product.
  • The Product is delivered to the Customer within 90 (ninety) working days, unless a shorter term is indicated in the description of a certain Product or at the time of submitting the Order.
  • The time during which the Seller must prepare the Order for shipment is indicated each time on the page of a specific Product and is calculated from that day (the beginning of the delivery period):
  • when the entire amount of money to be paid is credited and registered to the Seller's bank account - when the Customer chooses to pay by transfer, electronically or by payment card;
  • when the Sales Agreement is concluded - in the case when the Customer chooses to pay in cash when picking up the Product.
  • The time of the relevant carrier to deliver the Product is added to the mentioned time, which depends on the delivery method chosen by the Customer and is indicated each time on the page of a specific Product and in the "Order fulfillment deadline" section of the Website.
  • In the case of a Product reservation, the Product is delivered to the address specified by the Customer within 90 (ninety) working days, except when a shorter period is specified in the Product description or when making a Product reservation
  • The time during which the Seller must prepare the reserved Product is always indicated on the page of the specific Product and is calculated from the date of conclusion of the reservation agreement (the beginning of the delivery period). The product delivery deadline, which is always indicated on the specific Product page and in the "Order fulfillment deadline" section of the Website, must be added to the Product preparation
  • When placing an Order or making a Product reservation for several Products with different delivery terms at the same time, the delivery term is the longest specified term, but it cannot exceed 90 (ninety) working days.




  • The basis and scope of the Seller's responsibility to the Customer, when the sold Product has physical or legal (warranty) defects, are provided for in the provisions of the Civil Code.
  • Products offered in the online store may have a manufacturer's or distributor's warranty. In this case, the detailed terms of the guarantee and its duration are specified in the guarantee sheet issued by the guarantee provider and which is attached to
  • The Seller must provide the Customer with the Product without defects.
  • The Customer can file a complaint in the following ways:
  • in writing to the address Sandraugos g. 38, Kaunas, Republic of Lithuania by mail If the complaint is submitted regarding the Product, it is usually requested to submit the Product to the Seller together with the complaint, so that the Seller can inspect the Product. Information about the ways in which the Customer can deliver the Product to the Seller free of charge due to a complaint is provided in the "Guarantees/Complaints" section of the Online Store.
  • If the sold Product has defects, the Customer can:
  • submit a request to reduce the Price or cancel the Sales Agreement, unless the Seller immediately and without causing significant inconvenience to the Customer replaces the defective Product with a quality Product or removes the defect. The reduced price shall correspond to such proportion of the Contract Price as the difference between the value of the Product with the defect and the value of the Product without the defect. The customer cannot refuse the contract if the defect of the Product is minor;
  • require replacement of the Product or elimination of the defect. The Seller must replace the Product with a defect with a quality Product or eliminate the defect within a reasonable time, without causing inconvenience to the Customer, in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code.
  • The Customer may, instead of the Seller offering to remove the defect, demand to replace the Product with a quality one or instead of replacing the Product, demand to remove the defect, unless it is impossible to achieve the Product's compliance with the requirements of the Agreement by the method chosen by the Customer or it would require excessive costs compared to the method proposed by the Seller. When evaluating such costs, the value of the Product without defects, the nature and significance of the identified defect, as well as the inconvenience that the Customer could experience if his claim was satisfied in another way are taken into account.
  • In the description of the Customer's Complaint, it is recommended to indicate: 1) information and circumstances related to the subject of the Complaint, especially the nature of the defect and the date of its occurrence; 2) how it is required to receive the Product that meets the terms of the Sales Agreement, or submit a request for a price reduction or cancellation of the Sales Agreement, and 3) contact details of the complainant - this will facilitate and speed up the Complaint handling for the Seller. The mentioned requirements, with the exception of the recommended description of the Complaint, are only of a recommendatory nature and do not affect the examination of the Complaint.
  • The seller must respond to the Customer's Complaint immediately, but no later than within 30 (thirty) days of receiving the Complaint
  • In the event that it is necessary to deliver the Product to the Seller in order to accept the Customer's Complaint or to implement the Customer's rights arising from the warranty (according to the Civil Code), the Customer must deliver the Product at the Seller's expense to the address. Information about the ways in which the Product can be delivered free of charge to the Seller is provided in the "Guarantees/Complaints" section of the Online Store website. However, if due to the nature of the defect, the type of the Product or the method of installation, the Customer cannot deliver the Product or it is too difficult for him to do so, the Seller may ask the Customer to give the Customer the opportunity to inspect the Product at his location, after prior agreement.
  • According to the warranty, the Seller assumes responsibility if a physical defect is detected within two years from the date of handover of the Product to the Customer. A claim to eliminate the defect or to replace the Product with a quality product may be filed within the one-year statute of limitations, calculated from the discovery of the defect, but the statute of limitations for the Order submitted by the User shall not expire earlier than the above-mentioned period.
  • Quality goods and products brought to order are not returned or exchanged, except in cases where the circumstances provided for in Article 6.362 of the Civil Code are determined, or the Seller voluntarily agrees to apply an exception.
  • After determining the circumstances of 362 of the Civil Code, no later than within 14 (fourteen) days from the delivery of the product or product to the Buyer, the Seller must be submitted to the Seller with a written claim from the Buyer regarding the reasons for changing the delivered product or product and the chosen method of changing the product or service. The buyer must also provide the purchase documents and the original (primary) packaging of the product or product.




  • Non-judicial ways of dealing with complaints and monetary claims are applied on a voluntary basis. For out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes, the User has the right to apply to the State Service for the Protection of Consumer Rights. Address: Vilniaus 25, LT-01402 Vilnius, tel. (8 5) 262 6751, fax (8 5) 279 1466, e-mail mail Website address: The user can also contact the European Consumer Center, address: Odminių g. 12, LT-01122 Vilnius, Lithuania; Phone: (8 5) 2650368; Fax: (8 5) 2623123; email e-mail:, website address
  • The seller provides electronic access to the ODR platform in these Rules and on its website. The ODR platform is a source of information on methods of out-of-court settlement of disputes arising between entrepreneurs and consumers.




  • A user who has concluded a contract remotely can withdraw from it within a period of 14 (fourteen) days without giving a reason and without incurring other monetary costs than those provided for by law (the standard 14 (fourteen) day terms established by legal acts governing the protection of consumer rights apply). In order to comply with the above-mentioned deadline, it is sufficient for the User to submit a statement to the Seller before the end of the deadline, in which the Customer informs about the cancellation of the sales contract. Cancellation of the contract should be notified in a clear statement. In order not to miss the deadline, it is enough to send the notification before the deadline.
  • by mail at
  • The user can use a standard opt-out form, but this is not the case
  • The term of withdrawal from the Sales Agreement is calculated from the day when the User or a third party appointed by him/her, other than the carrier, took possession of the Product, and in cases where:
  • The sales contract covers a number of Products that are supplied individually, in batches or in parts - from the date of the last delivery of the Product, batch or part, or
  • The sales contract is concluded for the regular supply of Products within a specified period from the day of the first takeover of the Product.
  • If a remotely concluded contract is refused, it is considered that the contract was concluded
  • The Seller must immediately, but no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the User's statement of withdrawal from the Agreement, return the sums paid to the User, including the Product delivery costs (except for additional costs due to the Customer's choice of a different delivery method than the usual cheapest delivery method offered in the Seller's Online Store ).
  • The Seller returns the amounts paid to the User using the same payment method chosen by the User, unless the User has given explicit consent for the money to be returned to him/her in another way and he/she will not incur any costs as a result. In the event that the amount paid cannot be returned to the same payment method used by the User, due to the fact that the Seller no longer supports a particular payment method, the Seller will refund the money paid
  • using a payment method that will be as close as possible to the payment method previously used by the User. If the User exercises the right to withdraw from the contract, the Seller may refund the payment using the payment method specified by the Seller. If the Seller has not offered to collect the Product from the User himself, he will not refund the money received from the Customer until the Product is returned or the User provides confirmation of its shipment, whichever occurs first. If the goods were paid for by bank transfer or at the time of picking up the package, the money is returned to the account specified in the return document. In the event that the User does not indicate the bank account to which the money must be returned, the Seller will return the paid amount to the bank account from which the User made the payment according to the Sales Agreement.
  • The User must immediately, but no later than within 90 (ninety) days from the date of cancellation of the Sales Agreement, return the Product to the Seller or hand it over to a person authorized by the Seller, unless the Seller has offered to pick up the Product himself. In order not to miss the deadline, it is enough to send the Product before the deadline. The User can return the Product to the address Sandraugos 38, Kaunas, Republic of Lithuania. If possible, please provide proof of purchase of the Product.
  • The user is responsible for the decrease in value of the Product due to improper use
  • The returned Product cannot be damaged or worn. The product must be in its original packaging with all original labels.
  • The user bears only the direct costs of returning the Product. The seller can offer special promotions, during which he will pick up the returned products or goods from
  • The User's right to withdraw from a remote contract does not apply to the following contracts: 1) service contracts, according to which the Seller provided the User with all services, if the User's express consent was received before the provision of services, that he will lose the right to withdraw from the contract after the Seller fully fulfills the contract; 2) for contracts for goods manufactured according to the User's special instructions, which are not pre-manufactured and which are manufactured according to the User's specifications or for his personal needs; 3) contracts for packaged goods that have been unpacked after delivery and which, due to unpacking, are unsuitable for return for reasons of health protection or hygiene; 4) contracts for Products which, due to their nature, are inseparably mixed with other items after delivery.
  • The seller can offer special promotions, during which the customer can cancel the contract within the specified period in points 1 or 11




  • Exclusive rights to the Content presented/published in the Online Store of the Seller or its partners, in particular copyright, the name (trademark) of the Online Store, graphic elements contained in it, software (including the Mobile App) and database rights are protected by law and belongs to the Seller or entities with which the Seller has entered into a corresponding Customer has the right to use the aforementioned Content (including the Mobile App) for free, as well as to use the Content published in accordance with the provisions of the law and already distributed in the Online Store of other Customers, but only for personal use and only in such a way that the Online store would be properly used worldwide. Any other use of the Content (including the Mobile App) is permitted only with the express prior written consent of the authorized entity.
  • By publishing any Content in the Online Store (or Mobile App), i.e. graphics, comments, opinions or statements in the Account or in another place of the Online Store, the Customer grants the Seller a non-exclusive, free license to use, store, change, correct, change, delete, supplement , publicly perform, display, reproduce and distribute (in particular on the Internet) this Content worldwide. This right includes the authorization to grant sublicenses in accordance with the terms of the Sales Agreement or the Service Provision Agreement (including the operation and development of the Online Store), as well as the permission to independently or with the help of third parties exercise related rights in the creation, adaptation and translation of the work, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Copyright and Related Rights. To the extent that the Customer cannot provide the licenses discussed in this point 2, the Customer undertakes to obtain such necessary licenses from the Seller.




  • The Seller processes the customer's personal data as personal data
  • The customer provides personal data voluntarily, but it is necessary to create an account, to use electronic services or to enter into a sales contract or to reserve a product
  • More information on personal data protection can be found in the "Privacy Policy" section of the Online Store.




  • The Seller may terminate the Service Agreement or any other license agreement at any time, as provided for in Clause IX of the Rules, after notifying the Customer one month in advance, if the following important reason occurs (exhaustive list):
  • legal acts regulating the electronic provision of the Seller's services have changed, affecting the mutual rights and obligations stipulated in the contract concluded between the Customer and the Seller, or the interpretation of these legal acts has changed due to rulings passed by courts, decisions, recommendations or instructions of competent bodies or institutions;
  • for technical and technological reasons, the method of providing services has changed (especially due to the updating of the technical requirements specified in these Rules);
  • as a result of the newly introduced, modified or repealed provisions of the Rules, the provision of services to which the provisions of the Rules apply has changed, or
  • Regardless of the content of point 1, taking into account the Seller's special attention to the protection of the Customer's personal data and the reasonably necessary period for their processing, the Seller may immediately terminate the service contract if the Customer does not perform any actions in the Online Store for a continuous period of at least 3 years.
  • The Seller sends his statement regarding the termination of the Agreement mentioned in clauses 1 and 2 to the postal address specified by the Customer at the time of creating an Account or placing an Order or making a Product reservation. In cases where the Seller does not have the Customer's e-mail e-mail address, notification takes place via the Mobile application.
  • The Seller may terminate the Service Provision Agreement or any license agreement with the Customer, as provided for in Clause IX of the Rules, by notifying the Customer seven days in advance, and/or denying him the right to continue using the Online Store (including the Mobile App) and placing Orders, may also limit his access to the Content for all or serious reasons if the Customer (exhaustive list) violates Clause II, Part 7, Clauses a, c, d, e, h, i, j of the Rules
  • For good reasons, ie. i.e. in cases where the Customer grossly violates the provisions of Clause II, Part 7, Clauses f or g of the Rules (exhaustive list), the Seller, in order to avoid further damage, may not accept the Customer's offer for the payment or delivery method chosen by him. This provision applies regardless of the Customer's identifying data and the data specified in the Customer's Order submission, especially when the Customer violates the provision of Clause II, Part 7, Clauses a of the Rules.
  • In the event that, when placing a new Order or making a Product reservation, the Customer chooses a payment or delivery method that is subject to paragraph 5 of this clause, the Seller will contact the Customer by e-mail, notifying him/her of gross violation of the Rules and disagreement with the proposed payment or delivery method, while specifying an alternative method of payment or delivery. Clause IV, Part 5 of the Rules shall apply accordingly 
  • The customer who is subject to the provisions of points 4 or 5 may use the Online Store or choose a payment or delivery method after contacting the Seller (via KAB) and receiving the Seller's consent to continue using the Online Store or choose a specific payment or delivery method.
  • The Rules and Annexes to the Rules are standard form contracts according to the Civil Code
  • The Seller may change these Rules (with the exception of Clause XII of the Rules, which is intended for Customers who are not Users and may be changed at any time in accordance with the applicable legislation), if at least one of the following important reasons occurs (exhaustive list):
  • legal acts regulating the sale of the Seller's Products or the provision of services by electronic means have changed, affecting the mutual rights and obligations provided for in the contract concluded between the Customer and the Seller, or the interpretation of these legal acts has changed due to rulings passed by courts, decisions, recommendations or instructions of competent bodies or institutions;
  • exclusively due to technical or technological reasons, the method of providing services has changed (especially due to updating the technical requirements specified in these Rules);
  • as a result of newly introduced, modified or repealed provisions of the Rules, the provision of functions or services to which the provisions of the Rules apply have changed, or
  • After changing the provisions of the Rules, the Seller will publish the complete text of the changed Rules on the website of the Online Store and inform about it by a message sent to the postal address specified by the Customer during the conclusion of the Service Agreement, and this will be considered a proper notification of the changes. In cases where the Seller does not have the Customer's e-mail e-mail address, the notification about the change of the Rules is sent through the notification function of the Mobile application.
  • Changes to the rules enter into force 14 days after sending information about the changes. y created an Account, has the right to terminate the Service Agreement within 14 days from the date of receiving information about changes to the Rules. The change in the rules does not affect the Customer's and the Seller's Service Provision Agreements concluded before the change in the provisions of the rules. 




  • The provisions of this Clause XII of the Rules are intended only for Clients who are not
  • The Seller has the right to terminate the Service Provision Agreement concluded with a Client who is not a User within 90 (ninety) days from the date of its conclusion. In this case, the Service Agreement may be terminated without giving a reason, and the Client, who is not a User, does not have the right to make any claims against the Seller.
  • In the case of customers who are not Consumers, the Seller has the right to limit the payment methods and demand that all or part of the Price be paid in advance, regardless of the payment method chosen by the Customer and the Sales Agreement
  • From the moment the Seller transfers the Product to the carrier, the benefits and burdens related to the Product and the risk of accidental loss or damage to the Product are transferred to the Customer who is not a User. In this case, the Seller is not responsible for the loss, shortage or damage to the Product that occurred from the time the Product was transferred for transport to the moment of its delivery to the Customer, as well as for the delay of the shipment.
  • To the extent permitted by the applicable legal acts, the Seller's warranty liability for the Product towards the Customer who is not a User is not valid.
  • In the case of Customers who are not Users, the Service Agreement or any other license agreement granted under the Rules may be terminated by the Seller immediately, without giving reasons, by sending any form of notice to the Customer.
  • Neither the Seller nor its employees or authorized representatives shall be liable to the Customer, its subcontractors, employees, authorized persons and/or representatives for any damage, including loss of profit, except when the damage was caused intentionally by them.
  • In each case, when the responsibility of the Seller, its employees and authorized representatives is established, this liability towards the Client who is not a User, regardless of its legal basis, is limited - both in the case of a single claim and in the case of multiple claims - the paid Price and delivery costs according to the last The amount of the sales contract, but not more than 250 EUR.
  • All disputes arising between the Seller and the Customer who is not a User shall be resolved in the appropriate court based on the Seller's registered office.
  • In relation to customers who are not Users, the Seller may change the provisions of the Rules at any time in accordance with the applicable legal acts. 




  • These Rules enter into force on 04/04/2022.
  • Contracts with the Seller are concluded in Lithuanian.
  • The essential provisions of the contract for the provision of electronic services are established, ensured, presented and confirmed by sending a message to the postal address specified by the Client.
  • The essential provisions of the concluded Sales Agreement are established, ensured, presented and confirmed by sending a message to the e-mail specified by the Client. to the postal address with confirmation of the submitted Order (durable medium). The content of the sales contract is additionally stored in the online store's information system. After concluding the Sales Agreement, the Seller provides the Customer with proof of purchase in electronic form or together with the parcel containing the Product. The order specification can also be attached to the shipment. In the event that the Customer wishes to receive a VAT invoice, the Customer agrees that the VAT invoice will be sent to the e-mail specified by him. Before downloading the proof of purchase or the VAT invoice, the Seller may introduce technical authentication methods for the Customer.
  • The seller ensures technical and organizational measures corresponding to the level of risk posed by the services provided under the Service Agreement. The use of electronic services is associated with the risks inherent in the transmission of data in the Internet space, such as the loss, dissemination or unauthorized interception of the transmitted data.
  • Customers can familiarize themselves with the content of these Rules and print them free of charge by visiting the web address, as well as in the Mobile App.
  • The Seller informs that using the Online Store through a browser or Mobile App, as well as placing an Order, as well as telephone conversations with KAB may result in additional Internet usage costs (charges for data transmission) or telephone conversation costs according to the service provider whose services the Client uses , tariffs.
  • The provisions of the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, including the provisions of the Civil Code, the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, the Law on the Legal Protection of Personal Data and other valid legal acts apply to issues not discussed in these Rules, to the extent that such legal acts are in accordance with the rules provided for in them
  • By choosing to apply the law of the Republic of Lithuania to these Rules, the Customer does not lose the protection granted to him by the provisions which cannot legally be disregarded when concluding the agreement between the Seller and the Customer and which would apply in the absence


Annex no. 1 - Example of contract withdrawal form


ATTENTION! - Be careful when shipping the Product to avoid accidental transfer of other items with the returned item.




(this form must be filled in and sent only if you want to withdraw from the contract)

 To: UAB ARDOGA, Sandraugos. 38, Kaunas, Republic of Lithuania


  • I / We (*) renounce / renounce (*) the contract for the sale of the following products (*) / the contract for the delivery of these products (*) / the provision of these services (*)


  • Date of conclusion (*) / receipt (*) of the contract


  • Order number (optional)


  • User(s) name and surname


  • Address of user(s).


  • Signature of the user(s) (only if a paper version of the form is being filled out)


  • Date


* delete what is unnecessary

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